The best publishers for new authors to publish a book

If you have a literary project that you want to publish, you will have to look for an editorial to take it forward or opt for self-publishing through an automated platform or through a printing press. However, to do it with quality criteria and have a good position in the market in terms of distribution, it is always best to do so through book publishers for new authors.

Type of publisher

There are basically two types of publishers for new authors, the traditional publishing house and the desktop publishing house. Traditional publishers are those that make all the investment to put the literary work on the market and pay the writer a percentage of the proceeds from book sales. This percentage is usually 10% of the benefits. That is, to earn money for this system you have to sell many books.

There are publishing platform for author, especially those that are expected to be successful, that also entail a monetary advance.

As for the so-called publishing houses, the concept must be divided. We can speak of a careful self-editing or on-demand edition, that is, those that require the author to cover a budget and provide all the professional services of any traditional publisher. That is, it is self-publishing because it requires a self-financing of the work, but works as a traditional editorial in everything else with correction, layout, legal registration, cover design, printing, marketing and communication services...
The new concept for this is on-demand edition because on the other hand there are a good number of publishing platform for author that are actually camouflaged printing presses that a priori give you price rates for number of copies and pages without taking into account the literary work and your specific needs.

Attraction of covers

The design of covers sells books or, at least, an attractive cover makes the reader feel interested, take that book and at least read the review. Therefore, we are already talking about two important weapons, first the design of the cover and, secondly, the writing of the synopsis of the back covers. To see the trends of each publishing house you just have to go through publishers for new authors website, see their covers and read their synopses.

 Need for marketing

A book publishers for new authors, whether traditional or self-publishing, should give visibility to your book. It is true that the success of marketing actions will depend largely on the quality of the literary work and that the author accompanies in that work with all the people skills and contacts that can add. With a bad book it will be very difficult to highlight for many actions that are undertaken and if the author does not collaborate the same thing will happen.


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